Gary Stubley, the Country Agent for Kenya

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Gary Stubley (second left), Country Agent for Artemis & Angel Co. Ltd. since April 2015 with Peter McAlpine (far right) Marketing Manager of Artemis & Angel Co. Ltd., Dennis Obeto (third from the left), CEO of Salad Greenhouse Worldwide Ltd., and Aliyu Ibrahim (first left), Technical Director of Salad Greenhouse Worldwide. Ltd.

Gary Stubley was appointed the Country Agent for Kenya in April 2015. He has introduced the bio-fertilisers, Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries; registered the bio-fertilisers with K.E.B.S., the Bureau of Standards; carried out very successful field tests for the government; and offered the Credit Fund to the government so that the government can replace chemical agriculture with 100% organic agriculture.  The bio-fertilisers will enable Kenya to develop its economy and agriculture-related industries; to improve the livelihood of the farmers; to become famous worldwide for producing 100% organic food, tea, coffee, sugarcane, etc.; to protect the environment; and to restore the fertility of the soil upon which the health of the population and country’s growth and development depend.