2. The Team of Makallo Sarl Agents in Guinea
The photograph shows the staff of Makallo Sarl in Conakry, Guinea
3. Artemis & Angel Co. Ltd. Offers the Government of Guinea a 0% Interest Credit Fund of US$100 Million over 5 Years to Replace Chemical Agriculture with 100% Organic Agriculture.
The photograph shows Peter McAlpine, Marketing Manager of Artemis & Angel Co. Ltd., with Madame Jacqueline Sultan, a former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock.
The bio-fertilisers Credit Fund will enable the government of Guinea:
To become Africa’s first 100% organic farming country.
To free up funds, which the government would have spent on subsidizing fertilizer, for use on infrastructure projects, rice mills, food processing factories, farming community development, opening up new land to agriculture, etc., instead.
To eradicate harmful chemical fertilizers and sprays and replace it with 100% organic agriculture, with all the benefits this entails for public health, poverty alleviation, social well-being and happiness, environmental protection, a safer water supply, etc.
To increase food production significantly beyond what chemical agriculture can achieve and for a much lower cost. These bio-fertilizers can ensure the country’s food security. Chemical agriculture cannot because of its harmful effects on the soil and environment. The bio-fertilisers are effective with all crops and trees, including Guinea’s main crops.
To reduce food production costs. In bio-chemical farming, for example, costs drop by about 40%. In 100% organic farming the cost savings compared to chemicals are much higher.
To restore and improve the soil’s fertility. The soil can be cleaned of chemicals while hard, chemical soil and poor soil can be changed to a crumbly, fertile state, which is rich in micro-organisms and beneficial insect life.
To increase the quality of crops, e.g. fruit and vegetables become sweeter, crispier, and keep longer; grains have an improved taste; flowers are larger, fresher-looking, keep longer, and have a stronger scent; etc. A longer shelf life means that crops will not be spoiled before they reach the market at home or abroad.
To ensure that the country’s food exports will not be rejected because of chemical content.
Guinea can become known for exporting 100% organic food. This will increase exports and provide more money for the farmers and the economy.
To develop commercial agriculture, particularly in a 100% organic direction.
To reduce poverty because farmers will earn more from higher crop yields and quality. Also, because there will be no increase in price over the 5 years the farmers will become wealthier.
To protect water sources from chemical agriculture contamination.
4. Field Tests on Rice and Maize in Kilissi, Guinea Produce Splendid Results!
Makallo Sarl, the Country Agent for Artemis & Angel Co. Ltd. in Guinea, has carried out field tests under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to show the benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant on rice and maize compared to chemical fertilisers. The results were so good that the tests showed that the government could eradicate chemical rice and maize farming throughout Guinea with no reservations. The Field Test Supervisor was very enthusiastic about the results. In short, the results were essentially the same as we have seen in other countries, such as Nigeria, Thailand, Malawi, Vietnam, etc.
There were fewer leaves than on chemical rice plants, but there was much more grain on the heads. The yield was 43% higher compared to the chemical rice.
The rice plants had about 20% more roots; hence, the extra yield.
The costs for the farmers were 65% lower in 100% organic farming compared to the chemical rice test.
The stems were much thicker than on the chemical rice plants and too thick for insects to bite through.
Rice farmers who use the bio-fertilisers continuously also observe the following:
The taste of the rice is sweeter than chemical rice.
Rice farmers can stop using chemical sprays completely by the second season because the immune system of the rice plants has become stronger as the soil’s microbial life is restored. After one or two seasons rice farmers stop using the sprays, though they can stop immediately if they wish to do so.
There are very few pest problems, if any. Because the bio-fertilizers strengthen the immune system of the rice plants, make the rice crops healthy, and increase the vibration emitted by the rice plants, insects do not show interest in the bio-fertilizer rice fields and go and attack weak, chemical rice fields instead, which emit a lower vibration.
The quality of the rice is much better than that of chemical rice, and it does not break so easily. The DNA of the rice changes each crop, which results in a higher quality of seed. There is no need for farmers to buy (GMO) seeds and to become dependent on international seed companies for their seeds.
The farmers are able to sell high-quality 100% organic rice at a higher price.
The soil’s beneficial insect life and fertility are restored, and the soil becomes much softer and aerated.
The results of the maize tests in Kilissi produced a 66% higher yield in 100% organic maize farming compared to the chemical maize. Generally, the maize plants had 3-6 cobs per plant compared to the chemical maize, which generally had 2 cobs only. Here are some photographs of the rice and maize tests:
Photographs of the 2015 Guinea Rice and Maize Tests