Malawi Project

Project Proposal

To Offer the Government of Malawi a US$20 Million Per Year (US$100 Million Over 5 Years), 0% Interest, Credit Fund Facility to Provide Liquid, 100% Organic Bio-Fertilizers for the Regeneration of Soil and Agriculture in Malawi.

Purpose of the Proposal

The purpose of the Credit Fund Proposal is to help the government to transform agriculture and increase revenue to farmers and the government by means of regenerative farming and thereby:

  • Develop an industry of 100% organic food for export;
  • Deal with the climate change-related causes of food insecurity;
  • Ensure food security by means of two advanced bio-technology 100% organic, liquid, microbial bio-fertilizers (Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant). Field tests have already been carried out in Malawi;
  • Improve the health and well-being of the population.

The project serves to address Malawi’s food security issues outlined here in the article Malawi: IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis, July 2021 – March 2022, Issued August 2021.

Field Tests

Field tests have already been carried out in Malawi to show the benefits of the bio-fertilisers. Other field test results can be seen in Section 3 on this page.

The Main Benefits of the Project

The bio-fertilizers and this Credit Fund will benefit Malawi’s agriculture as follows:

Restoring Soil Fertility: Poor soil can be changed into a crumbly, fertile state, rich in microbial and beneficial insect life by means of organic farming techniques. Crop disease problems cannot be solved until the soil food web and the soil’s fertility have been restored.

Increasing Soil Microbial Life: Fertile soil with an abundance of microbial life produces higher crop yields; sequesters more carbon; and allows for increased agricultural productivity. Also, an abundance of soil microbes helps plants tolerate hot temperatures and drought brought about by climate change.

Food Security: The bio-fertilisers will enable Malawi to achieve its food security goals.

Crop Yield Increase: The bio-fertilisers will increase crop production beyond what chemical agriculture can produce as the soil fertility is restored.

Reduction of Crop Production Costs: The use of these organic bio-fertilisers without the need for agrochemical sprays will reduce crop production costs.

The End of Chemical Farming: The bio-fertilisers will eradicate chemical agriculture from Malawi. This will ensure that western and other markets do not reject exported produce owing to chemical content.

Removal of Harmful Chemicals: Toxic agrochemicals in the soil can be made harmless through microbial bioremediation.

Reduction in Chemical Residues in Food: There will be no problem with chemical residue levels in the food products. The EU and Japan, for example, are becoming stricter about chemical residues.

Mitigation of Effects of Climate Change: 100% organic crop farming with the bio-fertilisers provides climate-smart practices. Traditional crop regions will not escape because stresses, such as pest and disease pressure and drought, are expected to increase, and crop production losses are inevitable if farmers do not implement regenerative, 100% organic, climate-smart practices quickly and effectively in order to mitigate the increasing effects of climate change.

Protection of Food Production System: Regenerative, 100% organic farming helps to protect the food system. The current pandemic, the increasing recurrence of droughts, floods, forest fires and new pests are a constant reminder that our food system is under threat and must become more sustainable and resilient. Organic farming provides sustainability and resilience. The corona virus crisis has made acutely clear the interrelations between our health, ecosystems, supply chains, consumption patterns, and the planet. Countries need to do much more to keep their population and the planet healthy.

Global Demand for Healthy Food Products: Before Covid-19 the global demand for healthy, 100% organic chocolate and crop was vastly unmet. Covid-19 is making consumers more health conscious with the emphasis on chemical-free food products. The Credit Fund will enable Malawi to produce chemical-free, 100% organic products for an unlimited global, 100% organic consumer market.

Poverty Alleviation: The crop produce of Malawi will be in demand as the produce will be grown each year with less and less chemicals and pesticides until the country is 100% organic after 3-4 years. This will mean that the farmers can be guaranteed a market and good prices for their crops and that they will become wealthier and poverty will be reduced.

Water Conservation: 100% organic farming techniques and the improvement of the soil’s microbial life will help farmers to conserve water. This will become very important as droughts increase and the effects of climate change worsen. Organic farming techniques make the soil cooler; improve soil structure so that moisture can be held and made accessible; and increase fungi networks that supply moisture to the roots.

Ecosystem Protection: Unlike 100% organic farming chemical agriculture damages the environment and pollutes underground water and waterways. This is especially important nowadays because increasingly consumers are no longer supporting products in countries and industries that do not protect the land, forests, and ecosystems.

Deforestation Reduction: Deforestation disrupts local weather patterns and causes carbon emissions, contributing to global climate change. As weather patterns change, such as higher temperatures and droughts, crop farmers are not able to grow as much, and they expand into new areas. Extensive 100% organic crop farming can reduce the practice of deforestation.

Desertification: The bio-fertilisers will reverse the desertification of farmland through regenerative agriculture.

Pasture Land: Degraded pasture land can be restored, and this will improve the growth and nourishment of livestock.

Regenerative Agriculture

  • All countries have to change to regenerative farming. Basically, mankind has no choice.
  • Bio-Plant fits into climate-smart, regenerative agriculture because farmers can use it in climate-smart practices. It makes rich compost which restores the soil’s microbial life, and thereby enables the soil to draw down more and more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Bio-Plant can also be used in organic farming techniques to cover the soil, to reduce the soil’s temperature, and to keep moisture in the soil. 
  • Agriculture in Malawi will benefit enormously.

The Effect of Regenerative Agriculture on Maize