Note: Further down this page in Section 3, you will find some files that provide information about the benefits of the bio-fertilisers; some workshop presentations; some field test results; some files translated into French in Part 6; and some files translated into Portuguese in Part 7. Crop guidelines in English, French, and Portuguese can be found on the Crop Guidelines webpage.
Remarque : Plus bas sur cette page, dans la Section 3, vous trouverez des fichiers qui fournissent des informations sur les avantages des bio-engrais ; quelques présentations d’ateliers; quelques résultats d’essais sur le terrain ; et quelques fichiers traduits en français dans la Partie 6 ; et certains fichiers traduits en portugais dans la Partie 7. Les lignes directrices sur les cultures en anglais, français et portugais peuvent être trouvées sur la page web Crop Guidelines (Lignes Directrices sur les Cultures)..
Observação: Mais abaixo nesta página, na Seção 3, você encontrará alguns arquivos que fornecem informações sobre os benefícios dos biofertilizantes; algumas apresentações em workshops; alguns resultados de testes de campo; alguns arquivos traduzidos para o francês na Parte 6; e alguns arquivos traduzidos para o português na Parte 7. Diretrizes de cultivo em inglês, francês e português podem ser encontradas na página Crop Guidelines (Diretrizes de Cultivo).
Section 1: Understanding the Situation of Chemical Farmers
It is common for farmers to be afraid to change over to using 100% organic fertilizers. Usually, about 90% – 95% of farmers in any country are chemical farmers, and their family has probably been chemical farming for 20-30 years. That’s all they know. Very few will change over directly as they are afraid of change; afraid of the unknown; afraid of reduced yields; afraid of losing income; etc. Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant enable farmers to change to 100% organic farming through bio-chemical farming.
One needs to understand their fears and to remove them. If they are told the benefits of bio-chemical farming they will move from chemical farming to bio-chemical farming and then to 100% organic farming for the following main reasons:
1. The Harmful Effects on Farmers: Chemical farmers are hurting emotionally, physically, and financially from the effects of chemical agriculture. This is a global problem, and not limited to any one country.
Effect of Pesticides on the Skin of a Farmer
2. The Harmful Effects on the Soil: The soil has become very poor and hard as chemical fertilizers and sprays have killed off the micro-organisms of their once fertile soil. These micro-organisms create a strong immune system that protects the crops from disease, but as they have been killed off by soil acidity and chemicals, the immune system of the crops has been weakened, and crop disease is rife.
Effect of soil acidity (see roots on the right) on crop growth
Acidic Soil Where Chemical Fertilisers Have Been Used for a Long Time Has Prevented 2,000 Orange Tree Saplings from Growing. The Soil Cannot Hold Water Anymore.
3. The Effect of Soil Acidity on Crop Growth: The soil has become terribly weak and hard as a result of excessive use of chemical fertilizers and the resulting lack of micro-organisms, and the farmers’ crop yields are lower. To deal with this the fertilizer agents tell them to buy more chemical fertilizer and more sprays, which just makes things worse. The farmers cannot get out of the vicious cycle that they are caught up in unless they phase out chemical fertilizers and sprays. Bio-chemical farming helps them here.
4. The Rising Cost of Chemicals: Add to this the rising costs of chemical fertilizers and sprays, which reduce their profits more each year. Chemical farmers are usually trying to reduce their costs because chemical fertilizer prices keep rising. They have to increase the amount of chemical fertilizer they use each year just to get the level of previous yields as their soil weakens.
Here is a video about the Adverse Effects of Chemical Farming.
Section 2: How Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant Can Help a Country
Note: Because of their popularity the bio-fertilisers are marketed under various brand names, such as Power Ant 1 & Power Ant 2, SP 1 & SP 2, etc. They are all the same as Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant.
Benefits of the Bio-fertilisers for Your Country – English
Technical Information About Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant (The file is only available on a case-by-case basis.)
The next generation of agriculture in the world does not lie with chemical fertilizer. It lies with the application of biotechnology to create 100% organic agriculture. The biotechnology of these liquid, microbial bio-fertilisers can change a country’s agriculture from chemical agriculture to 100% organic farming in a way that even hardened chemical farmers, who often do not like change, can accept.
The way to persuade chemical farmers to change to 100% organic farming is by first showing them the benefits of bio-chemical farming, and this is where Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant help. Bio-chemical farming is simply an intermediary stage leading to 100% organic farming. When chemical farmers see the benefits of bio-chemical farming, they willingly make the change to 100% organic farming. Usually, it is a 3-year process.
The photograph shows the effect of bio-chemical farming on maize in Gombe State, Nigeria. The maize (left) is being grown with Urea and NPK. The maize (right) is being grown with Bio-Plant mixed with NPK and sprayed with Pro-Plant.
Location: Pokata
Treatment: T1 (Bio-chemical with Bio-Plant & Pro-Plant)
Yield/Plot (Kgs): 750 kgs
Yield/Hectare (Kgs): 3,000 kgs
Location: Pokata
Treatment: T2 (Urea and NPK only)
Yield/Plot (Kgs): 325 kgs
Yield/Hectare (Kgs): 1,300 kgs
Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant enable a country to replace chemical fertilizer farming by making both types of farming widespread – with a higher yield and lower costs. They can take the country eventually to the point where the chemical farmers have abandoned chemical agriculture and willingly practise 100% organic farming.
Using chemical fertilizers in the long term, weakens the soil’s fertility, thereby requiring farmers to use more chemical fertiliser in the following year (at higher prices by then). The fertilizers also kill the micro-organisms in the soil and weaken the natural immune system of the plants so that pests and diseases can attack them easily, which requires the farmers to use toxic pesticides, etc., as a result. The farmers become poorer as the yields decrease and their costs rise. At the same time, the chemical fertilizers run off into the waterways and turn into acids. The health of the people is affected by the chemicals used in agriculture, and this costs the country more money in other ways.
Click Here for Further Information About the Benefits for Farmers of Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
Section 3: Files with Presentations and Explanations About the Benefits of Using Bio-Plant and Plant
Part 1. The Nature and Benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
1.2 The Nature and Benefits of Bio-Plant and Compost Made with Bio-Plant
1.3 The Nature and Benefits of Pro-Plant
1.4 The Effect on the Soil Biology (incl. Yield and Disease) When Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
1.5 A Presentation About the Benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
1.6 A Presentation About the Benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant (for State Governors in Nigeria)
1.7 How Bio-Plant Helps Farmers to Deal with Armyworms
Part 2. Some Field Test Results with Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
2.1 Field Test Results – Typical Results Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
2.2 Maize Test Results Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant
2.3 Rice and Maize Test Results in Guinea
2.4 Field Test Results in Nigeria
2.5 Federal Ministry of Agriculture of Nigeria Field Test Report 2015-2016
2.6 Field Test Report from Tests in Niger and Gombe State, Nigeria
2.7 Ministry of Agriculture Sierra Leone Field Tests 2016
2.8 Field Test Report from Benin (2005)
2.9 Recommendation by Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana to Use Pro-Plant with Cocoa
2.10 Field Tests in Malawi 2009-2012
2.12 Effects on Sugarcane, Maize, Bananas, Mangoes, and Pineapple
2.13 Some Field Test Results from Thailand
2.14 Field Test Results from Vietnam (2004 & 2009)
Part 3: Using Bio-Plant to Restore Land Ruined by Gold Mining
3.1 How to Restore Land Polluted by Galamsey Gold Mining in Ghana
Part 4. Workshop Presentations About the Benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant (Nigeria, 2017)
A. Abuja, 2nd December 2017 (Short Presentation)
B. Kaduna, 4th December 2017 (Long Presentation)
C. Article About the Benefits for Nigeria of Launching the Bio-fertilisers
4.5 The Bio-fertilisers and 100% Organic Agriculture Provide a Bright Future for Nigeria
Part 5. Dealing with Diseases and Pests
5.1 Some Science Why Crops Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant Have Few Insect Problems
5.2 Using Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant to Deal with Fungal Diseases
Part 6. Workshop on How to Make Rich Compost With Bio-Plant
6.1 How to Make Rich Compost With Bio-Plant – Workshop Presentation
6.2 How to Make Rich Compost with Bio-Plant – Workshop Handouts
6.3 How to Make Rich Compost with Bio-Plant – Kenya and Ghana Workshop Handouts
Part 7. Dossiers sur Bio-Plant et Pro-Plant en Français
7.1 Les Avantages de la Bio-Plant et de la Pro-Plant – Présentation
7.2 L’Effet sur la Biologie du Sol Lors de l’Utilisation de Bio-Plant et Pro-Plant
7.3 Résultats d’Essais sur le Terrain Typiques Utilisant Bio-Plant et Pro-Plant
7.7 Comment Faire du Compost avec la Bio-Plant – Document de l’Atelier (Français)
7.9 Comment Faire Pousser du Cacao avec Bio-Plant et Pro-Plant Partie 2 – Présentation de l’Atelier (Anglais & Français)
Parte 8. Arquivos em Português Sobre Como Usar Bio-Plant e Pro-Plant
8.1 Como Fazer Composto Rico com Bio-Plant – Apostilas
8.2 Como Preparar o Solo com e sem Composto
8.3 Como Preparar Sementes com Bio-Plant