Granular Bio-Organic NPK 3 and NPK 4 Fertilizer – Red Sun

100% Organically Grown Cocoa Trees

100% Organically Grown Cocoa Trees

We also produce 100% organic fertilizer in granular and powder form called Red Sun to provide a solution to the problems of chemical fertilizer farming. Our granular, bio-organic NPK 3 fertilizer includes the benefits of Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant in a granular form. A powder form can also be provided. The technology is different to chemical NPK and enables chemical farmers, who do not wish to stop using their familiar granular form of fertiliser, to change to 100% organic farming.


The Production Factory


The Production Factory

1.     Who It Is For
It is made for farmers who wish to change to organic farming, but who do not want to give up using granular fertilizer; and who want to reduce their fertiliser costs.

2.     Appearance – Granules and Pellets

Bio-organic NPK Type 2 (3)


Bio-organic NPK Pellets

3.    Analysis of Red Sun
You will receive a minimum of NPK 3 as we tend to increase the level of N beyond N1. It contains 25% organic matter. Together, the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium will add up to at least 3 on the organic scale, which should not be confused with the chemical scale of numbers. Because it is bio-organic as opposed to chemical, each nutrient cannot be exactly 1.0 and will be higher than this.

Size of Particles: 2 mm – 5 mm. The granules are round. The colour is dark brown.

Red Sun is a 100% bio-organic, microbial, granular NPK fertilizer, which is made with Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant. As a result, it is very rich in nutrients, and also micro-organisms, which provide crops with abundant Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium and other nutrients in the soil. Because of the micro-organisms, the large amount of NPK, which has been left in the soil by chemical fertilisers and which is unavailable to the roots, can be absorbed through microbial action. The micro-organisms convert Nitrates and insoluble Potash and Phosphate in the soil into Nitrogen, and enable the roots to absorb hard, unabsorbed deposits of Potassium and Phosphorus that have been left in the soil by chemical fertilisers. Additional Nitrogen is fixed from the air through microbial action.

The micro-organisms are highly efficient bacteria, which occur naturally in the soil around plant roots and the surface of roots. There is a wide range of micro-organisms in the bio-fertilizer. They help to produce growth-promoting substances and promote root proliferation. They increase the density and branching of the roots, resulting in the increased uptake of major and minor minerals and water. In addition, plant growth substances are produced in large quantity, and these improve the health, growth, and yield of the plants. 

4.    Suitability for Crops
It  is suitable for cocoa trees, fruit trees, all kinds of vegetables, grains, pineapple, sugarcane,  horticultural plants, etc. In short, it works well with any crop.

5.    The Benefits  of Using Red Sun

5.1  Plants Receive More NPK: Red Sun makes available to the roots the 80% of chemical NPK, which is lost unabsorbed in the soil when chemical NPK fertiliser is used. The NPK in Red Sun is very soluble and is easily absorbed by the roots. Red Sun increases by 25%-30% the Nitrogen absorbed by plants compared to chemical fertilisers.

5.2  Savings:  Usually, the farmer saves about 25%-30% when using Red Sun compared to chemical NPK, and his crops receive more NPK and nutrients. The price is stable and is not affected by rising oil prices except regarding shipping.

5.3  Additional Nutrients:  Red Sun increases the uptake of NPK micro-elements. Unlike with chemical NPK fertilizers, which usually only contain Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, this bio-organic fertilizer contains the wide range of major and minor nutrients in Pro-Plant. It also contains the micro-organisms of Bio-Plant, which are also found in fertile soil, but which chemical fertilizers do not provide or which they kill off. As a result, the plants are able to receive and absorb even more Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

5.4  All of the NPK Is Absorbed:  The soil does not have the problems caused by chemical NPK fertilizers. For example, there are no deposits of chemicals, which cannot be absorbed by the roots, and which make the soil hard.

5.5  Other Benefits:  It promotes root development and branching. It increases the plant’s drought tolerance when irrigation or rain is delayed. Also, it is non-toxic to humans, plants, animals, and the environment. The yield will increase because of the activity of the micro-organisms in restoring the soil’s fertility.  The health of all kinds of plants and trees will improve as well.

6.    How to Use Red Sun

6.1  Option 1: Mix Red Sun With Chemical Fertiliser: In bio-chemical farming the farmers can halve the number of bags of chemical fertilizer they normally use, and replace the other half with Red Sun. So, instead of using the common amount of 12 bags of Urea and NPK per hectare (6 bags of Urea and 6 bags of NPK), chemical farmers will only need to use 6 bags of chemical fertilizer (3 bags of Urea and 3 bags of NPK), if they mix 6 bags of the Red Sun with the 6 bags of Urea and NPK.

If they use 12 bags of NPK only, then they only need to use 6 bags of NPK, if they mix 6 bags of Red Sun with the 6 bags of NPK.

When they do this the yield will be no less than the yield they get when they use the full amount of chemical fertilizer, but they will save money with the cheaper Red Sun. In the following seasons the yield will increase because of the activity of the micro-organisms in restoring the soil’s fertility.

6.2   Option 2: Use Red Sun Only With or Without Pro-Plant: If the farmers do not wish to use chemical fertiliser at all, they can use 6 x 50 kgs. of Red Sun only per hectare. This is half the usual number of bags of chemical fertiliser.

But, to get the same yield as chemical fertiliser, the farmers will need to spray Pro-Plant on the leaves as well (1 litre per 2 hectares) in order to provide the same amount of NPK as chemical NPK fertilisers. The 50+ nutrients in Pro-Plant will increase the crop yield so that Red Sun performs at least as well as chemical NPK fertilisers. It will also coat the leaves with bacteria to prevent fungal problems while strengthening the immune system of the trees so that they can resist disease.

If the farmers also spray Pro-Plant on the leaves about 4 times during the flowering and fruiting period, they can expect a crop yield increase of between 10% and 20%. If they also spray Bio-Plant mixed in water (ratio of 20 cc in 20 litres of water) on the Red Sun granules and mix them together, they will increase their yield further.

7.    Five More Ways to Increase the Effect of Red Sun

7.1 Add Chicken Manure:  Adding chicken manure to the Red Sun will increase the effect. Adding one-third of a 50 kgs. bag of chicken dung to a 50 kgs. bag of Red Sun would be beneficial for the crops.

7.2  Mix Bio-Plant with the Granules: Spread out a 50 kgs. bag of Red Sun on fertiliser bags. Mix 330 cc of Bio-Plant with each 50 kgs. bag of Red Sun. You will then be able to halve the amount of Red Sun you use, and you will get a higher yield than when you mix 330 cc of Bio-Plant with chemical NPK because the soil will thereby receive a higher amount of micro-organisms.

7.3  Make Compost with Red Sun:  Farmers can also place around plants and trees compost made over 6-8 weeks by mixing a 50 kgs. bag of Red Sun with 5 MT of organic matter  and soil. This will be enough for  1 hectare.  For 2 hectares  make  10 MT of compost with 2 x 50 kgs. bags. The soil will then be full of minerals and micro-organisms, which will increase the fertility of the soil rapidly.

7.4  Mulch the Soil:  Mulching leaves around the plants or trees, or between the rows, by mixing them with Red Sun or Bio-Plant in water (ratio 20 cc in 20 litres of water) will also increase the yield. At the same time, the health of the plants and trees will improve.

8.  Comparison of Red Sun with Pro-Plant and Bio-Plant 

Compared to chemical fertilizers, such as Urea or NPK, farmers can expect liquid Pro-Plant used with Bio-Plant to outperform chemical fertilizers in yield and costs very significantly.

Compared to chemical fertilizers, farmers can expect the granular Red Sun to outperform chemical fertilizers in yield when Pro-Plant is sprayed with Red Sun and/or Bio-Plant is mixed with or sprayed on Red Sun.

If a farmer uses Red Sun on its own, the yield might be a little lower than with chemical fertilisers, which pump the plants and trees with NPK. But by spraying Pro-Plant and/or by mixing Bio-Plant with Red Sun or by spraying Bio-Plant on Red Sun, the plants and trees will get the extra nutrients they need to produce a yield higher than when chemical fertilisers are used.

The technology of the liquid bio-fertilizers is far superior to that of any granular fertilizer because of the old technology used in granular fertiliser.

Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant are very concentrated 100% organic, liquid bio-fertilizers. They have a much stronger effect on the soil than any granular fertilizer has, so you can expect the soil to be restored more quickly to a fertile state, and the productivity to be greater.

The bio-technology of the liquid form of the bio-fertilisers enables them to provide plants and trees with a greater concentration of the major, minor, and trace minerals (and much more quickly), and also to provide the micro-organisms needed by soil to be fertile than even the granular bio-organic NPK fertilizer, Red Sun, which contains the same ingredients. The problem lies with the old technology of granules.

When farmers mix 330 cc of Bio-Plant with a 50 kgs. bag of chemical NPK, Urea, or DAP, they can use the same 50 kgs. bag over twice the usual area, effectively halving the amount of chemical fertilizer they use. They can thereby reduce their costs by about 40%, and increase their yield by about 10% in the first season. This percentage will rise each season afterwards. If, in addition, they spray Pro-Plant on the leaves, they can add roughly an extra 15%-20% to the yield. It is up to the farmer whether he wants the extra yield or not, or whether he just wants to keep his costs as low as possible.

Mixing Bio-Plant with chemical NPK fertilizer will produce a higher yield of about 10% in the first season compared to the granular bio-organic NPK 3 fertilizer when used on its own, and it will reduce the costs by an additional 20%.

Bio-Plant and Pro-Plant are very concentrated 100% organic bio-fertilizers. They therefore have a much stronger effect on the soil than any granular fertilizer has, so you can expect the soil to be restored more quickly to a fertile state, and the productivity to be greater. They contain a stronger concentration of the major and minor minerals, and micro-organisms of fertile soil than even the granular bio-organic NPK fertilizer, which contains the same ingredients.

Compared to chemical fertilizers, such as Urea or NPK, farmers can expect that when they mix Bio-Plant with the granular bio-organic Red Sun fertilizer and spray Pro-Plant as well, Red Sun will outperform chemical fertilizers in yield and costs very significantly.

9.  Using Bio-Plant & Pro-Plant or Red Sun to Grow Cocoa Trees

This file provides more practical ways to use Red Sun to increase the yield and health of trees and plants, as well as organic farming ways, which can be used in conjunction with Red Sun.

Growing Cocoa With Bio-Plant & Pro-Plant or Red Sun- Workshop Presentation